Landmark Judgment

Landmark Judgment under commercial brokerage case

Having brokered a deal between one of the top TV stations in the Middle East and a USA/Canadian investor, in which this TV station will broadcast its content in both Canada and USA throughout the investor network. Parties to this Agreement agreed that the broker obtain a fixed percentage from all advertisement aired on the TV station in both USA and Canada. Not having a manuscript signed agreement and not fulfilling their obligation, our client lost hope and sought our help. As challenging as it is, we managed to force the court to appoint an expert who granted us a 2 million dollars compensation and proved the existing relationship with our client. The TV station appealed and lost then filed a cassation case which was denied. Knowing that most of the cases ends here, the opponent sought all matter to delay execution of the judgment by filing a petition for review claiming that new evidence showed up. After two years of litigation, we managed to obtain huge compensation to our client.

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